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SDNP System
    to become a
Applied for
    - 101domain, IE ✓
    - 4GTech, MW
    - ACE, MW
    - AfriRegister, BI ✓
    - Afritrend, MW
    - Ascio, DK ✓
    - Astria Learning, MW ✓
    - Atak, TR ✓
    - BB Online, UK ✓
    - C3, MW
    - CompuAuto, MW ✓
   - ComputerLand, MW
    - CSC, US ✓
    - COOL-REG, MW ✓
    - DFS, MW ✓
    - deLink, DE
    - DreamCode, MW ✓
    - Dynadot, USA ✓
    - E-GOV, MW ✓
    - EPAG, DE
    - EvMak, TZ ✓
    - GiantPlus, MW
    - Global Domain Group, US ✓
    - Globe, MW ✓
    - Gransy, CZ ✓
    - Idias, MW ✓
    - Instra, AU ✓
    - Klaus, MW
    - Lexsynergy, UK ✓
    - Living By Blue, JP ✓
    - MalawiWebSit, MW ✓
    - Marcaria, US ✓
    - Maren, MW ✓
    - Mbuna-Inc, MW ✓
    - MarkMonitor, US ✓
    - Meow Wolf, US
    - Mobipay, MW ✓
    - MTL, MW ✓
    - Namhost, NA
    - Nameshield, FR ✓
    - Net-Chinese, TW
    - Netim, FR ✓
    - NICO Tech, MW ✓
    - Nom-IQ, UK ✓
    - Ongoza, AE
    - Payrope, MW ✓
    - Prosystems Tech, MW✓
    - QuYu, CN ✓
    - RouteAfrica, TZ
    - SafeBrands, FR ✓
    - Safenames, UK ✓
    - Skyband, MW ✓
    - Shake, MW ✓
    - Smart App, MW ✓
    - Softek, MW
    - Star Media, MW
    - TNM, MW ✓
    - TechNix, MW
    - Topnets, CN ✓
    - Unik Multimedia, MW ✓
    - Upperlink, NG
    - Vichi Group, MW

Welcome to .mw 3R Registry

SDNP has migrated all the domains on .mw to the new 3R registry now with multiple registrars so that SDNP is no longer the only .mw domain registrar. Accredited (ticked) registrars, as listed here on the left, can now use EPP to login to the registry and manage domains while connected online.

You can now register your new domain with any of our accredited (ticked) registrars listed here on the left, or download a template here which you can complete and use to register your domain

Many big names TRUST to use .mw domains, like,,,,,,, ... etc, it works reliably for them, it will also work reliably for you and your business.

We invite you to continue to keep your domains up-to-date including the following:

  1. Verify your domains in 3R Registry:

    In order to have a smooth transition for your domains to the 3R registry, SDNP has set up a System Registrar at which will manage the transition from the single registrar 2R system to multiple registrars in 3R model.

    SDNP is calling upon everyone with a .mw domain to use the WHOIS in the 3R registry to verify the domain migration to 3R and to make updates where needed. Follow the link to check your domain details on 2R registry

    The WHOIS service is now available both through the 3R website as well as on Internet port 43 WHOIS service through queries to WHOIS server.

    With the automation of the DNS zone generation under 3R, it is particularly important that you verify your DNS servers in the new 3R registry by using the WHOIS

    All updates on all .mw domains must now be made on the 3R system at You can no longer make updates on the 2R registry system at //

  2. Policy Upgrade

    In upgrading from a 2R to a 3R registry, a policy upgrade has also been made to cover new areas such as introduction of multiple registrars. The new policy framework is available at

  3. Become a .mw Registrar:

    SDNP is inviting applications for accreditation to become a .mw registrar, see the form at

    If you are managing multiple .mw domains then you may qualify to become a .mw registrar, please complete the registrar accreditation form to apply to become a .mw registrar.

    It is the intention at SDNP to transfer all domains to be managed by accredited registrars by end of July 2016. SDNP intends to only run the registry.

    As SDNP recruits registrars in the transition period, all registrants will be encouraged to move their domains from the current SDNP system registrar to the various other accredited registrars.